Reflections, refocus, and a new offering

Reflections, refocus, and a new offering

The context for our work remains leadership and culture. The primary focus of our work is on managers as the expression and conduit of these.  

In terms of culture, engagement, and performance we believe that managers are the most impactful people in the organisation. We need brilliant leadership absolutely (and many great consultants are offering programs in that space). 

Foundations of Manager Excellence – COMING SOON

“Your role as a team leader is the most important role in any company and who your company chooses to make team leader is the most important decision it ever makes.” - Buckingham & Goodall

Yet despite their critical role, many managers undertake their role with no training and little support.

In response to this, we have been developing a management curriculum designed to meet the needs of new, developing and experienced managers.

A different Christmas message

A different Christmas message

What a year it has been. In our home the disruption of Covid has been combined with the craziness of a major renovation. Recently my 12 year old cat started spraying indoors, a sign of intense stress the vet said. He explained to me how constant stress depletes serotonin and how after a while it becomes difficult to replenish this, leading to anxiety and reactiveness over things that would not normally worry us. ‘Russell’ I said, ‘are you talking about me or the cat? ’ because it all sounded strangely familiar. He laughed. ‘You are not alone in that’ he said.

Modelling Leadership Excellence


Leading through the COVID-19 disruption has taught us so much, and continues to spark conversations about what great leadership looks like. New leadership experiences, qualities and distinctions have emerged around and within us. 

What’s the aim?

The aim of this public conversation is to harvest and share the pearls of wisdom that have emerged from leading through this crisis. A panel of senior leaders and experts will discuss what leadership excellence looks like now and into the future.

It’s about:

  • Leading self

  • Leading the way

  • Leading people

Senior Leaders who have confirmed so far are: Jenny Dodd (CEO, TasTAFE), Tim Bullard (Secretary, Department of Education), Debbie Evans (CEO, Lifeline Tasmania), John Fitzgerald (CEO Tourism Tasmania). 


When: Friday, 10 July at 12pm

Where: Online on Zoom

Duration: 75 minutes

Cost: A small contribution (As a guideline you might consider around $35)

How will it work?

The format of the public conversation is similar to the popular SBS Insight program. Claudia will ask targeted questions to a group of senior leaders and experts, and you will be in the audience in witness that conversation.

Please note: this will not be a Q&A session, but you can be assured that Claudia will raise questions that many leaders grapple with every day.

About the facilitator
Claudia Butler, Senior Consultant at Frameworks for Change